Summary Tables Guide#

Mastering Summary Tables with 2 Concepts#

In Grist, summary tables are the workhorse of data analysis. They are similar to pivot tables in spreadsheets, and group-by functions in databases. They make it possible to summarize tables by grouping records into specific categories. For example, if you have a table of Olympic champions, it may be useful to group champion records by country or by sport — or by a combination of country and sport.

Once records are sorted into useful categories, you may then want to compute sums using those record groups. Grist makes use of a nifty special field, available in formulas as $group.

Summary tables make it easy to build pages in which you can quickly capture useful data insights. You can learn to do this by learning two concepts: creating summary tables, and using $group in formulas. We’ve created a simple template ( that you can copy and edit as you follow along with this guide.

Using Summary Tables to Analyze Data#

In our example, you work for the HR department of a candy factory that hires contractors that work for various departments. In the template, your team has created an advanced time sheet tracker. There is a page where contractors can easily add time sheets for select months. It would be useful to have additional pages that summarize expenses by month, by department, and by contractor. Your goal in this tutorial is to build those summary pages.

Creating Summary Tables#

Step 1: Create a summary table#

Let’s start by creating a summary table that groups records in the time sheet table by month. Grist makes it easy to create summary tables. Simply click on Add New > Add Page > Time Sheet Entries > > Months.

Doing so will generate a summary table with some columns. In this case we have the following three columns.

  1. First Column: List of month groups, January through June of 2021.
  2. Second Column: A count of the total number of records in each month, e.g. in January there are 12 time sheet records.
  3. Third Column: A sum of hours worked in each month, e.g. in January the total hours worked in those 12 time sheet records is 81 hours.

Note: Grist will automatically take any numerical columns and add them up, saving you some time.

Step 2: Create summary tables with multiple categories#

It may be useful to also group timesheets by a combination of categories. For example, we may want to know how much time and money was spent on a particular account in a particular month, or on a specific employee in an specific account and month.

When creating a summary table, you can select multiple columns by which to group data. Let’s add two new summary tables. When adding these widgets, be sure to Select By the first widget we created on this page. This will link the tables so that selecting a month in the first widget will dynamically update records in the new widgets. Not sure why? Brush up on linking widgets.

  1. Add New > Add Widget to Page > Time Sheet Entries > > Months and Account
  2. Add New > Add Widget to Page > Time Sheet Entries > > Months and Account and Employee

To more easily view this data, drag and drop the new tables so that they tile vertically. You may also want to hide the count columns.

Great! But now we want to add the total dollar spend in each of these categories. That’s simple to do with summary formulas.

Calculating Totals Using Summary Formulas#

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Step 1: Understanding $group field in formulas#

In Grist, $group is a special Python object that represents a collection of records that are summarized by the current summary line.

If you look at the formula in the Hours Worked column, you will see SUM($group.Hours_Worked). That is taking the sum of Hours Worked in a group. In this example, in row 1, the group is January 2021. Thus, in that row, the formula is adding hours worked in the January 2021 group. In row 2, the group is February 2021 and the formula sums hours worked in February.

If you take a peek at the count column, which we hid previously, you’ll find the formula len($group). The function len (which stands for length) counts all the records that belong to the group being summarized in a particular row.

Another way to express a set of records is by scanning through the list of records in a group using a variable. You can name the variable as you wish; we will use r (for “record”). We can rewrite the formula in Hours Worked as sum(r.Hours_Worked for r in $group).

Step 2: Using $group in formulas#

Let’s calculate the total dollar spend on hours worked in each month.

The formula is sum(r.Hours_Worked * r.TimeSheet.Hourly_Rate for r in $group).

Since each record r in the group is a record in the underlying table (Time Sheet Entries), r.Hours_Worked refers to the field in that table.

In the Time Sheet Entries table, the column TimeSheet is a reference column that is referencing an entire record in the Time Sheets table. Thus, we have to further specify which field from the referenced record should be included in the formula’s calculation, which in this case is Hourly_Rate. To learn more about reference columns, visit our Reference column guide.

We can apply the same formula to the other two summary tables on this page. In the second table, the $group function is grouping things in the same month AND account. In the third table, the $group function is grouping expenses in the same month AND account AND by the same employee.

And that’s it! You did it. You rebuilt the month summary page. See if you can apply these concepts to rebuild the contractor summary page.

Did you know?

If needed, you can also add conditions to this formula. For example, sum(r.Hours_Worked * r.TimeSheet.Hourly_Rate for r in $group if r.Hours_Worked > 0) will only add up records in which there is a positive value in the field Hours Worked.

Visit our function reference to learn more.

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