Cloud Storage#

This feature allows automatic syncing of Grist documents and document versions to S3-compatible stores such as MinIO (or AWS S3 itself).

Grist Enterprise has native support for Azure storage accounts, and for AWS S3 using AWS’s official client.

It is advisable to have Redis enabled when using cloud storage, since this is the best-tested configuration.

Enabling snapshotting results in a big change in how documents are stored, and is best done prior to creating documents. Back up your work before changing this configuration.

S3-compatible stores via MinIO client#

Turn this on by setting the following environment variables:

  • Set GRIST_DOCS_MINIO_BUCKET to the name of a versioned bucket you have created. It is important that the bucket have versioning enabled.
  • Set GRIST_DOCS_MINIO_ENDPOINT to the appropriate hostname - no protocol, no port.
  • (Optional) Set GRIST_DOCS_MINIO_USE_SSL to 1 to use https protocol (default) or 0 for http.
  • (Optional) Set GRIST_DOCS_MINIO_PORT to the port to use, if the default for the protocol (80/443) isn’t right.
  • (Optional) Set GRIST_DOCS_MINIO_PREFIX to the prefix for your documents, defaults to “docs/”.
  • (Optional) Set GRIST_DOCS_MINIO_BUCKET_REGION to the region for your bucket, defaults to “us-east-1”.

If using AWS S3, the endpoint to use is, and there’s no need to set a port number or SSL flag. The access and secret keys are your AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY. Make sure to create a versioned bucket in advance.


For Azure:

  • Create a storage account in the Azure portal.
  • For the storage account’s blob service, make sure that versioning is enabled.
  • Get a connection string from the storage account’s Access Keys section. It may look something like DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=....
  • Place the connection string in an environment variable called AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING.
  • Set the name of an Azure storage container in an environment variable called GRIST_AZURE_CONTAINER. An example of a container name is my-grist-docs.
  • Set a prefix such as v1/ in an environment variable called GRIST_AZURE_PREFIX.

S3 with native AWS client#

For S3:

  • Set the name of the S3 bucket in an environment variable called GRIST_DOCS_S3_BUCKET. An example of a bucket name is my-grist-docs.
  • Set a prefix such as v1/ in an environment variable called GRIST_DOCS_S3_PREFIX.
  • Arrange for access using AWS’s many options; if nothing else, you can set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY variables.

Usage once configured#

Once the external storage configuration is in place, start Grist as normal for self-managed Grist. Upon startup, there should be a line like:

info: == grist.externalStorage.[s3|azure|minio].active: true

All documents will be read from and saved to the corresponding S3 bucket or Azure container. Configuration is simplest on a fresh Grist install without any preexisting Grist documents.

Once up and running, it is a good idea to configure the storage account’s “lifecycle management” to place any bounds you want on how long versions are retained.

We recommend configuring a lifecycle rule to delete noncurrent versions of objects with the prefix ${PREFIX}/assets/unversioned/ (e.g. v1/assets/unversioned/) daily. This ensures that older versions of snapshot metadata are pruned regularly.

You can control the frequency of snapshots with the following environment variables:

  • GRIST_SNAPSHOT_TIME_CAP - JSON string specifying the maximum number of backups to keep for each time period (e.g. hourly, daily, weekly). For example, a value of {"hour": 24, "day": 30, "isoWeek": 52, "month": 24, "year": 5} will keep the most recent backup for every hour (for the last 24 hours), day (for the last 30 days), etc. Any previous backups falling outside these windows will be deleted as needed to make room for newer backups. If unset, {"hour": 25, "day": 32, "isoWeek": 12, "month": 96, "year": 1000} will be used as the default.
    • hour - The last N hours to keep the most recent snapshot for.
    • day - The last N days to keep the most recent snapshot for.
    • isoWeek - The last N weeks to keep the most recent snapshot for.
    • month - The last N months to keep the most recent snapshot for.
    • year - The last N years to keep the most recent snapshot for.
  • GRIST_SNAPSHOT_KEEP - Maximum number of recent snapshots to keep, regardless of GRIST_SNAPSHOT_TIME_CAP. (Default: 5)