Telemetry level: full#

This is a telemetry level appropriate for internal use by a hosted service, with GRIST_TELEMETRY_URL set to an endpoint controlled by the operator of the service.


Triggered when an HTTP request with an API key is made.

Field Type Description
method string The HTTP request method (e.g. GET, POST, PUT).
userId number The id of the user that triggered this event.
userAgent string The User-Agent HTTP request header.


Triggered when HelpScout Beacon is opened.

Field Type Description
userId number The id of the user that triggered this event.
altSessionId string A random, session-based identifier for the user that triggered this event.


Triggered when an article is opened in HelpScout Beacon.

Field Type Description
articleId string The id of the article.
userId number The id of the user that triggered this event.
altSessionId string A random, session-based identifier for the user that triggered this event.


Triggered when an email is sent in HelpScout Beacon.

Field Type Description
userId number The id of the user that triggered this event.
altSessionId string A random, session-based identifier for the user that triggered this event.


Triggered when a search is made in HelpScout Beacon.

Field Type Description
searchQuery string The search query.
userId number The id of the user that triggered this event.
altSessionId string A random, session-based identifier for the user that triggered this event.


Triggered when a document is forked.

Field Type Description
docIdDigest string A hash of the doc id.
siteId number The id of the site containing the forked document.
siteType string The type of the site.
altSessionId string A random, session-based identifier for the user that triggered this event.
access string The document access level of the user that triggered this event.
userId number The id of the user that triggered this event.
forkIdDigest string A hash of the fork id.
forkDocIdDigest string A hash of the full id of the fork, including the trunk id and fork id.
trunkIdDigest string A hash of the trunk id.
isTemplate boolean Whether the trunk is a template.
lastActivity date Timestamp of the last update to the trunk document.


Triggered when a public document or template is opened.

Field Type Description
docIdDigest string A hash of the doc id.
siteId number The site id.
siteType string The site type.
userId number The id of the user that triggered this event.
altSessionId string A random, session-based identifier for the user that triggered this event.
access string The document access level of the user that triggered this event.
isPublic boolean Whether the document is public.
isSnapshot boolean Whether a snapshot was opened.
isTemplate boolean Whether the document is a template.
lastUpdated date Timestamp of when the document was last updated.


Triggered on doc open and close, as well as hourly while a document is open.

Field Type Description
docIdDigest string A hash of the doc id.
siteId number The site id.
siteType string The site type.
altSessionId string A random, session-based identifier for the user that triggered this event.
access string The document access level of the user that triggered this event.
userId number The id of the user that triggered this event.
triggeredBy string What caused this event to trigger. May be either “docOpen”, “interval”, or “docClose”.
isPublic boolean Whether the document is public.
rowCount number The number of rows in the document.
dataSizeBytes number The total size of all data in the document, excluding attachments.
attachmentsSize number The total size of all attachments in the document.
numAccessRules number The number of access rules in the document.
numUserAttributes number The number of user attributes in the document.
numAttachments number The number of attachments in the document.
attachmentTypes string[] A list of unique file extensions compiled from all of the document’s attachments.
numCharts number The number of charts in the document.
chartTypes string[] A list of chart types of every chart in the document.
numLinkedCharts number The number of linked charts in the document.
numLinkedWidgets number The number of linked widgets in the document.
numColumns number The number of columns in the document.
numColumnsWithConditionalFormatting number The number of columns with conditional formatting in the document.
numFormulaColumns number The number of formula columns in the document.
numTriggerFormulaColumns number The number of trigger formula columns in the document.
numSummaryFormulaColumns number The number of summary formula columns in the document.
numFieldsWithConditionalFormatting number The number of fields with conditional formatting in the document.
numTables number The number of tables in the document.
numOnDemandTables number The number of on-demand tables in the document.
numTablesWithConditionalFormatting number The number of tables with conditional formatting in the document.
numSummaryTables number The number of summary tables in the document.
numCustomWidgets number The number of custom widgets in the document.
customWidgetIds string[] A list of plugin ids for every custom widget in the document. The ids of widgets not created by Grist Labs are replaced with “externalId”.


Triggered every 5 seconds.

Field Type Description
heapUsedMB number Size of JS heap in use, in MiB.
heapTotalMB number Total heap size, in MiB, allocated for JS by V8.
cpuAverage number Fraction (typically between 0 and 1) of CPU usage. Includes all threads, so may exceed 1.
intervalMs number Interval (in milliseconds) over which cpuAverage is reported.


Triggered when sending webhooks.

Field Type Description
numEvents number The number of events in the batch of webhooks being sent.
docIdDigest string A hash of the doc id.
siteId number The site id.
siteType string The site type.
altSessionId string A random, session-based identifier for the user that triggered this event.
access string The document access level of the user that triggered this event.
userId number The id of the user that triggered this event.


Triggered after a user successfully verifies their account during sign-up. Not triggered in grist-core.

Field Type Description
isAnonymousTemplateSignup boolean Whether the user viewed any templates before signing up.
templateId string The doc id of the template the user last viewed before signing up, if any.


Triggered daily.

Field Type Description
siteId number The site id.
siteType string The site type.
numOwners number The number of users with an owner role in this site.
numEditors number The number of users with an editor role in this site.
numViewers number The number of users with a viewer role in this site.


Triggered daily.

Field Type Description
siteId number The site id.
siteType string The site type.
inGoodStanding boolean Whether the site’s subscription is in good standing.
stripePlanId string The Stripe Plan id associated with this site.
numDocs number The number of docs in this site.
numWorkspaces number The number of workspaces in this site.
numMembers number The number of site members.
lastActivity date A timestamp of the most recent update made to a site document.


Triggered on changes to tutorial progress.

Field Type Description
tutorialForkIdDigest string A hash of the tutorial fork id.
tutorialTrunkIdDigest string A hash of the tutorial trunk id.
lastSlideIndex number The 0-based index of the last tutorial slide the user had open.
numSlides number The total number of slides in the tutorial.
percentComplete number Percentage of tutorial completion.


Triggered when a tutorial is restarted.

Field Type Description
tutorialForkIdDigest string A hash of the tutorial fork id.
tutorialTrunkIdDigest string A hash of the tutorial trunk id.
docIdDigest string A hash of the doc id.
siteId number The site id.
siteType string The site type.
altSessionId string A random, session-based identifier for the user that triggered this event.
access string The document access level of the user that triggered this event.
userId number The id of the user that triggered this event.


Triggered when the video tour is closed.

Field Type Description
watchTimeSeconds number The number of seconds elapsed in the video player.
userId number The id of the user that triggered this event.
altSessionId string A random, session-based identifier for the user that triggered this event.