Self-Managed Grist#

The essentials#

What is Self-Managed Grist?#

There are four flavors of Grist:

  • SaaS (Software as a Service): Grist is available as a hosted service at No installation needed. Free and paid plans, with usage limits.
  • Desktop App: Grist is available as a desktop application, built with Electron. It is available for download at This desktop application does not need internet and is not tied to any online account or service.
  • Self-Managed Enterprise: Grist is available as a licensed application installed by enterprises on their own infrastructure with our support and backing. Contains proprietary features developed for enterprises with particular needs.
  • Self-Managed Core: Grist is available as a free application installed by citizen developers on their own infrastructure with community support. Grist documents created with our SaaS and Enterprise offerings can be opened and edited with Core, and vice versa. This establishes Grist documents as a reliable format for archiving and interchange.

Self-Managed Grist, be it Enterprise or Core, is installed and configured in much the same way, as described in the following sections. For clarity, the sections are tagged with which flavor they apply to, for example:

The full source code for Grist Core is always available at and is under an Apache-2.0 license. You may use and redistribute Core freely, under the terms of the free software license. The full source for Grist Enterprise is also available, at, under a proprietary license that does not grant any automatic rights to use or redistribute the software. You can evaluate Enterprise for 30 days using the instructions in the following sections, or sign up for our Grist Enterprise plan and get support.

How do I install Grist?#

The easiest way to install Grist is as a container. We will describe how using Docker, but there are many other tools and services for running containers.

To try Grist out using Docker, make an empty directory for Grist to store material in (say ~/grist) and then you can do:

docker run -p 8484:8484 \
  -v ~/grist:/persist \
  -e GRIST_SESSION_SECRET=invent-a-secret-here \
  -it gristlabs/grist

You should then be able to visit http://localhost:8484 in your browser. Already you will be able to create and edit Grist documents, and to open and edit documents downloaded from another Grist installation (such as our SaaS).

If using some other tool or service, here are the important points:

  • The main image name is gristlabs/grist, which is our combined Core and Enterprise docker image. The image gristlabs/grist-oss also exists, which uses only free and open source code. This image uses only Grist Core, and has no enterprise features available. (For some tools such as Podman, you may need to prefix these image names with
  • A volume (or mount, or directory) needs to be available at location /persist within the container. It can be initially empty - Grist will populate it. Without this volume, nothing you do will be stored long-term.
  • Port 8484 on the container needs to be exposed. This can be changed if you also set the PORT environment variable for the container.
  • The environment variable GRIST_SESSION_SECRET should be set to something secret for the container.

Installed this way, Grist is accessible only to you. Typically you want to take at least the following steps:

Grist on AWS#

You can also host Grist on AWS. Full instructions on this hosting method are available on the Grist AWS Marketplace page.

How do I sandbox documents?#

Grist allows for very powerful formulas, using Python. We recommend setting the environment variable GRIST_SANDBOX_FLAVOR to gvisor if your hardware supports it (most will), to run formulas in each document within a sandbox isolated from other documents and isolated from the network.

docker run ...

To sanity-check that formulas are being evaluated within a sandbox, you can create a document and then check that this formula gives an empty result:

import glob

Here are some reasons why gvisor sandboxing, as configured for Grist, may fail, and what you can do to diagnose the problem.

XSAVE not available#

Your processor may not be supported. On x86_64, Sandy Bridge or later is needed. Check that the XSAVE processor flag is set. Here’s a quick way to test that:

grep -q '\bxsave\b' /proc/cpuinfo && echo "XSAVE enabled" || echo "XSAVE missing"

PTRACE not available#

The SYS_PTRACE capability may not be available. If running in docker, you could try explicitly granting it, if you are comfortable with making it available:

docker run ...

In some cloud environments such as AWS ECS, you may need to explicitly list this capability in your container configuration.

How do I run Grist on a server?#

We suggest that you become familiar with all the other aspects of self-management on this page before serving Grist from a public host (especially Sandboxing). When you do, it is important to tell Grist where it will be served from, using the APP_HOME_URL variable. For example, if you will be serving from, let Grist know like this:

docker run ...
  -e APP_HOME_URL="" \

You will need to place a “reverse proxy” in front of Grist to handle “SSL termination” (decrypting encypted traffic) using a certificate that establishes ownership of the site. If you don’t know what this means, you could try using the Grist Omnibus which packages Grist with a reverse proxy that will use Let’s Encrypt to get a certificate for you automatically.

An important job of such a proxy is to correctly forward websocket connections. This amounts to two requirements:

  1. Ensure that the proxy is using HTTP 1.1
  2. Pass the necessary Upgrade, Connection, and Host HTTP headers so that an HTTP connection can be upgraded to a websocket connection.

For example, here is a minimal configuration for nginx, a possible choice for reverse proxy.

server {

    location / {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8484;
        proxy_redirect     off;
        proxy_set_header   Host             $host;
        proxy_set_header   X-Real-IP        $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For  $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

        # WebSocket support
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";


This configuration will handle basic HTTP traffic and websockets. It still requires additional SSL/TLS configuration. A simple option for self-hosting on a small scale is to use certbot by the EFF.

How do I set up a team?#

Grist has a concept of “team sites” that are independently managed and named areas containing their own workspaces and documents. Team sites can have distinct subdomains (as on our SaaS’s hosted team sites), or be distinguished by a special path prefix. This often does not make sense for self-managed installations, where there is a single team. With a single domain and a single team, the special path prefix (which looks like /o/<team-name>) is an inelegant waste of space in URLs. So you can direct Grist to use a single team by setting GRIST_SINGLE_ORG (“org” or “organization” is a synonym for team):

docker run ...
  -e GRIST_SINGLE_ORG=cool-beans

The name of the team should use only the lower-case characters a-z, the digits 0-9, and the hyphen (-). You may also want to look into Custom styling to hide any UI elements you don’t need.

How do I set up authentication?#

Authentication can be set up in many ways for Grist Core and Enterprise, using SAML, OpenID Connect or forwarded headers. Between the two, many popular SSOs can be hooked up, such as Google or Microsoft sign-ins.

For any authentication method, you may want to also consider setting the following variables:

  • COOKIE_MAX_AGE: (optional) expiration date for Grist session cookie, when set to none session cookie will be in a Session mode - it should be removed after closing a browser. If set to a number, the units of the number are milliseconds.
  • GRIST_FORCE_LOGIN: (optional) when set to true this will instruct Grist to redirect anonymous users to a login page.

For our SaaS, we use a custom authentication system based around AWS Cognito. Currently, we have no plans to release that as part of Core or Enterprise.

Are there other authentication methods?#

If users on your site login via WordPress, or via a custom mechanism you developed, you may want to consider GristConnect, available for Grist Enterprise.

How do I enable Grist Enterprise?#

Grist Enterprise can be enabled by visiting the Admin Panel and clicking the ‘Enable Grist Enterprise Features’ toggle. This will cause Grist to automatically restart.

Enterprise toggle on the admin panel

You should now have an unactivated version of Grist Enterprise, with a 30 day trial period.

Activation keys are used to run Grist Enterprise after a trial period of 30 days has expired. Get an activation key by signing up for Grist Enterprise. You don’t need an activation key to run Grist Core, and can revert back to Core at any time using the toggle in the Admin Panel.

Place the contents of your activation key in an environment variable called GRIST_ACTIVATION, or place it in a directory available to Grist and provide the full path to the file with the environment variable GRIST_ACTIVATION_FILE. Without the activation key, there will be a banner stating that Grist is in trial mode. Once the activation key is detected, this banner will go away. Replacing the activation key will require restarting Grist.

docker run ...
  -e GRIST_ACTIVATION=<activation-key-goes-here> \
  -it gristlabs/grist


How do I customize styling?#

The Grist UI has many elements, some of which may not be relevant to you. For self-managed installations of Grist, you can turn off many elements using GRIST_HIDE_UI_ELEMENTS. This is comma-separated list of parts of the UI to hide. The allowed names of parts are: helpCenter,billing,templates,multiSite,multiAccounts. The UI elements present are also affected by whether GRIST_SINGLE_ORG is set.

docker run
  -e GRIST_HIDE_UI_ELEMENTS=helpCenter,billing,templates,multiSite,multiAccounts \

By default pages of the Grist UI have - Grist added to their title. You can change this by setting GRIST_PAGE_TITLE_SUFFIX:

docker run
  -e GRIST_PAGE_TITLE_SUFFIX=" - Cool Beans" \

You can set the suffix to "_blank" to entirely remove it.

You can also override the CSS styling of the site if you set APP_STATIC_INCLUDE_CUSTOM_CSS to true.

docker run

This will load an extra custom.css file. You can find an example of such a file in the Grist Core repository.

The file includes most of our global CSS variables for colors, and a few variables for the logo shown in the top-left corner. There’s really no limit to what can go in the file, so specifying arbitrary styles is possible. Note that all CSS rules should use !important to make sure they have the highest precedence. Otherwise, it’s possible for more specific rules included by our framework to take precedence.

To override custom.css, you can make your own copy and make sure Grist uses it. If the CSS file is in your current directory, then do:

docker run
  -v $PWD/custom.css:/grist/static/custom.css

It is possible to direct Grist to load static resources from a CDN by setting APP_STATIC_URL. If you do so, and you are using custom CSS, you’ll need to ensure the custom CSS is available from that base URL.

How do I list custom widgets?#

In our SaaS, Grist has a list of pre-built custom widgets available in the UI.

Custom widget gallery

You can have your self-managed installation offer the same list by setting the following:

docker run

This is optional. If you leave the variable unset, documents with custom widgets will still work fine, but you’ll need to enter a full URL when adding custom widgets, rather than picking a widget from the gallery.

You can make your own list of widgets available by forking or by manually preparing a .json file on a public server in the same format as our manifest.json.

To customize the appearance of widgets in the gallery, the following fields may be set in the manifest.json:

  • name: The widget title.
  • description: An optional description shown below the widget title.
  • authors: An optional list of one or more widget authors. The first author will be shown in the “Developer” field.
  • lastUpdatedAt: The date shown in the “Last updated” field.

How do I set up email notifications?#

In Grist SaaS, we send emails such as invitations to share a document using SendGrid. The same mechanism is available in Grist Enterprise. There is not yet an equivalent in Grist Core.

You will need to set a SendGrid API key:

docker run

You will need to make a file config.json available in the root of the volume mapped to /persist. Its contents should be as follows:

  "sendgrid": {
    "api": {
      "prefix": "",
      "enroll": "/marketing/contacts",
      "search": "/marketing/contacts/search",
      "searchByEmail": "/marketing/contacts/search/emails",
      "listRemove": "/marketing/lists/{{id}}/contacts",
      "send": "/mail/send"
    "address": {
      "from": {
        "email": "<the-email-address@mails-should-be-from>",
        "name": "the name to show with email"
    "template": {
      "invite": "d-f9.....",
      "billingManagerInvite": "d-f9.....",
      "memberChange": "d-b3....."
    "list": {
      "singleUserOnboarding": "b22..."
    "unsubscribeGroup": {
      "invites": 19...,
      "billingManagers": 19....

Here are the meanings of the keys in this file:

  • sendgrid.api - Values should remain unchanged from what’s defined in the sample. These control API versioning and endpoints. Grist currently targets v3 of SendGrid’s web API.
  • sendgrid.address - Should be set to a verified email address and name of a SendGrid sender. This controls the “From” address of all emails sent via SendGrid (e.g. invites sent on behalf of Grist users).
  • sendgrid.template - Maps Grist actions to SendGrid email templates ids. These are for transactional emails that are sent as a result of some action occurring in Grist.
  • sendgrid.template.invite - This is for emails sent to users that are invited to documents, workspaces, or sites.
  • sendgrid.template.memberChange - This is for emails sent to billing managers when users are added/removed from sites.
  • sendgrid.list - Maps Grist actions to SendGrid marketing list ids. These are for on-going automated emails that are sent to all users who are enrolled in a particular list.
  • sendgrid.list.singleUserOnboarding - New Grist users are automatically added to this list on first-login. This is suitable for sending regular onboarding emails to users.
  • sendgrid.unsubscribeGroup - Maps email types to SendGrid unsubscribe group ids. These are for allowing users to unsubscribe from receiving certain types of emails (via the link in the email).
  • sendgrid.unsubscribeGrist.invites - If set, invite emails can be suppressed via the unsubscribe link in emails.
  • sendgrid.unsubscribeGrist.billingManagers - If set, emails sent specifically to billing managers (e.g. membership changes) can be suppressed via the unsubscribe link in emails.

For reference, there are example SendGrid templates in based on an export of the SendGrid templates for our SaaS.

How do I add more python packages?#

The set of python packages available for use in formulas is currently not configurable. You can add packages anyway if you are willing to build and install your own version of the Grist.


Grist documents made on an installation with custom python packages will not bring those packages with them if copied to a different installation. Formulas using custom python packages will give errors when those packages are unavailable.

Create an empty directory, and add the following into it, in a file called Dockerfile:

FROM gristlabs/grist  # or grist-oss or grist-omnibus

  apt update && apt install -y openssl && \
  python3 -m pip install phonenumbers

Replace phonenumbers with the python package or packages you want to install. You can now build your custom Grist image by running a docker build in the directory with Dockerfile in it:

# replace "custom" with a username or organization name.
docker build -t custom/grist .

Once done, you can use custom/grist in place of gristlabs/grist(-ee) in How do I install Grist, and your python library will now be available to import in formalas.

If you want the import done automatically, so you don’t have to do it in formulas, currently that requires a code change to sandbox/grist/ If you are comfortable making code changes, then the build instructions of the grist-core repository are the place to start.

How do I configure webhooks?#

It is possible to use webhooks to enable integrations with external services. The webhooks documentation has further details.

Note that when self-hosting, only external services allowed by the ALLOWED_WEBHOOK_DOMAINS environment variable are allowed. There are security concerns with allowing any domain, as internal Grist services may become vulnerable to manipulation.


What are the hardware requirements for hosting Grist?#

For hosting Grist as a Linux container, here is a known good configuration for a variety of moderate workloads:

  • 8GB RAM
  • 2 CPUs
  • 20GB disk

Grist is packaged for the following CPU architectures:

  • x86_64 (Sandy Bridge or later if sandboxing is enabled)
  • ARM64

Every Grist document is a separate database, so it is difficult to state absolute minimum requirements without knowing what documents will be used. In tests, the Investment Research template runs comfortably served from a Grist container with:

  • 100MB RAM without sandboxing enabled.
  • 200MB RAM with sandboxing enabled.
  • 1 CPU.

Memory and CPU requirements will scale with the number of documents simultaneously in use by your team.

Sandboxing is an important issue in serving Grist. It is achieved using gvisor. Sandboxing depends on the availability of particular capabilities, and may be unavailable in environments that deny or lack these capabilities. Grist sandboxing is known to work in the following environments:

  • Regular unprivileged docker containers with default security settings.
  • AWS EC2 instances.
  • AWS Fargate containers, with SYS_PTRACE set in linuxParameters.capabilities.

Grist sandboxing has been reported to fail to initialize on older Intel processors that do not support the XSAVE feature (supported by Sandy Bridge and later).

What files does Grist store?#

When installed as a container, Grist expects to have access to a persistent volume, or a directory shared with the host, in which it stores everything that needs to last beyond a container restart. Concretely, if you started Grist exactly as described in How do I install Grist, that directory would be ~/grist. Here’s what you would find there:

  • A subdirectory called docs, containing *.grist files. These are Grist documents. Grist documents are SQLite databases, so you can inspect these files with the standard sqlite3 utility. You can also upload them to another installation of Grist (such as our hosted service) and view/edit them there. If you move or rename these files, Grist will no longer recognize them. If snapshot support is configured, there will be extra files alongside each .grist file for tracking its storage state.

  • A file called grist-sessions.db. This contains information to support browser sessions with Grist. It is a SQLite database. If redis is configured, that is used instead of this file.

  • A file called home.sqlite3. This contains information about teams, workspaces, and documents (metadata only, such as names, rather than document contents such as tables and cells). It is a SQLite database. It is called the home database and if PostgreSQL is configured that is used instead of this file.

  • If using Grist Omnibus, there are other files, including:

    • An auth directory, with a SQLite database for tracking login state, and a store of any certificates created.
    • A param directory, with secrets invented for the installation.

What is a “home” database?#

Grist stores metadata about users, documents, workspaces, etc in a database called the “home” database. This does not contain the material inside documents such as tables and columns, but does contain document names and creation times, for example. By default, Grist will create a home database in an Sqlite file within the /persist directory. To use instead a PostgreSQL database, create the database along with a user with sufficient access to create tables, and set the following variables:

  • TYPEORM_TYPE - set to postgres
  • TYPEORM_DATABASE - set to name of database, e.g. home
  • TYPEORM_USERNAME - set to postgres username with rights to the database
  • TYPEORM_PASSWORD - set to postgres password with rights to the database
  • TYPEORM_HOST - set to hostname of database, e.g.
  • TYPEORM_PORT - set to port number of database if not the default for PostgreSQL

Grist is known to work with PostgreSQL from versions 10 through 16. Recent versions, however, have enabled by default a JIT compiler that is known to cause problems with Grist, which expresses itself as every cell operation taking a few noticeable seconds. In case this happens, PostgreSQL’s JIT compiler should be disabled for Grist with the command-line argument -c jit=off or via other methods of changing the PostgreSQL configuration. In a docker-compose.yaml file, for example, the JIT compiler can be disabled like this:

    image: postgres:latest
    command: -c jit=off
  # other config follows...

What is a state store?#

Grist can be configured to use Redis as an external state cache. For most Grist functionality, this is optional. It is required for webhook support, and recommended for snapshot support. To use, just set REDIS_URL to something like redis://hostname/N where N is a redis database number.

docker run
  -e REDIS_URL="redis://hostname/N"

How do I set up snapshots?#

Grist’s cloud storage feature allows automatic syncing of Grist documents and document versions to an S3-compatible bucket (available for all Grist versions) or to Azure storage (in Enterprise Grist).

Here is an example of running Grist locally, with snapshots stored in a test MinIO instance:

# Make a network
docker network create grist

# Start Redis in our network (recommended for snapshots)
docker run --rm --network grist --name redis redis

# Start MinIO in our network
docker run --rm --network grist --name minio \
  -v /tmp/minio:/data \
  -p 9000:9000 -p 9001:9001 \
  -e MINIO_ROOT_USER=grist -e MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=admingrist \
   -it minio/minio server /data -console-address ":9001"

# Visit http://localhost:9000 and set up a bucket called grist-docs.
# Make sure to enable versioning on the bucket.

# Hook Grist up to Redis and MinIO
docker run --rm --network grist \
  -e GRIST_DOCS_MINIO_BUCKET=grist-docs \
  -e REDIS_URL=redis://redis \
  -v /tmp/grist:/persist -p 8484:8484 -it gristlabs/grist

Here are flags to make Grist talk to an AWS S3 bucket using the MinIO client:

  -e \
  -e GRIST_DOCS_MINIO_BUCKET=grist-docs \

As per MinIO specs.), the default bucket region is us-east-1. This default region can be overwritten using the GRIST_DOCS_MINIO_BUCKET_REGION flag.

For details, and other options, see Cloud Storage.

How do I control telemetry?#

By default, Grist installations do not “phone home” to any central service. It is useful to permit them to do so, to give Grist Labs some limited insight into your usage, through measurements called telemetry. This will help guide development, and draw attention to self-managed users as a group.

The simplest way for an owner of a Grist installation to opt in to sending telemetry to Grist Labs is to click the “Opt in to Telemetry” button on the “Support Grist” banner on the main page of the installation. If you do not wish to opt in, you can dismiss the banner. The banner is shown only to the owner of the installation. The owner of the installation is the user whose email address matches the GRIST_DEFAULT_EMAIL environment variable (if set).

Self-hosted Telemetry

You can control telemetry at any time using the “Support Grist” page, if you are the owner of the installation.

Control Telemetry

Rather than using buttons to opt in to telemetry, you may set the environment variable GRIST_TELEMETRY_LEVEL to limited. This has the same effect as the “Opt in to Telemetry” button. The GRIST_TELEMETRY_LEVEL environment variable, if set, takes priority over any setting made interactively. Recommended values are limited or off.

In either case, read limited telemetry for exact details of what data is sent, and telemetry overview for further explanation. An interactive method for controlling telemetry is only available for Grist Core builds currently. In all cases, the default is to not send telemetry.

How do I upgrade my installation?#

We currently release new Grist Core and Enterprise images at approximately weekly intervals. Grist handles any migrations that may be needed to the documents or databases it uses. Utilities such as Watchtower can keep your version of Grist up to date for you.

What if I need high availability?#

We have developed expertise in hosting very busy Grist installations, with many users, including how to upgrade with minimal disruption, and how to scale out to handle heavy load. We would be happy to help Enterprise clients with needs of this nature.